Sunday, September 30, 2007


Goodbyes are tough. I spent a long time working with a great group of people and we went through some really challenging (I hate that word - professionally, challenging means, crappy stuff is happening and you are going to have to work your ass off) times. So yeah, it had its rough moments but we made the best of it and laughed through a lot of it. There is no doubt that our laughter saved our sanity, at least it saved mine.

Anyway, I had a great send off, involving balloons, a "peace out homie" banner, NY pizza, a most amazing cake and best of all a photo album of us. They did get their tears from me but thankfully I was able to cry like a baby when I got home. I did have a few scary moments at the office, but nothing helps you pull it together like signing off billing adjustments!

So I have said goodbye (actually - see you later) to my company, my clients, my search & rescue crew, my friends of the WOL -Women of Logistics (I prefer the Witches of Logistics that we are also known as) and my surf crew the Paddle Rangers. I'm off to have a great brunch with a great friend, a few more goodbyes in NYC and then the final preparation and packing will begin.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you did it!!
Can't wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christina!

All of these places sound incredible! I am so glad you are having a wonderful time, you deserve it! You better make sure to keep in touch when you return to the work world! As we have already said, We miss you!

Take care and be safe.
