Friday, May 9, 2008

Reader Feedback

I met up with some friends yesterday and received some interesting feedback.

I was talking to one friend and telling her about having different themed days for the blog but that I have not figured out what to write about on Tuesdays. She suggested food as the subject for Tuesdays, not a bad idea, I thought.

Funny enough, later I was having dinner with another friend who has been a pretty faithful reader and he told me he doesn't care for the new prescribed format. Ok, fair enough.

Here's my question to any readers out there - should I introduce a food Tuesday or should I scrap the new format and go back to a totally random format? Emails, posted comments, phone calls or conversations would be appreciated.

So what do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

I agree with your friend - go with the random format. Talk about things as you experience them.

Anonymous said...

Hi its your old buddy Roger from BLD 23. WOW I never seen this side of you before.Is this the person I knew?

Christina said...

Hey Ramchan!!! What's going on? Drop me an email to

Anonymous said...

I think either format is interesting and informative. Your blog helps me get through a very boring work day.

Christina said...

Thanks for the feedback so far, I will decide Friday.

To Anonymous at 2:59pm, so very glad the blog helps you get through the workday!

Anonymous said...

To "anonymous @ 2:59pm":

Stop wasting time and get back to work! That should be enough to help you through the workday!

Christina said...

Hey hey no hating on Anon 2:59pm! Not their fault you work in a crazy business..... lol. We don't hate on readers at this blog!

Anonymous said...

Sorry James!

Idealistic said...

either or, I like random but also like structure... How about if there is something random write about that and otherwise stick with the format...